• News

    Upcoming events, thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    March 4, 2025 · Trumpaboo Redux
    [Shortly after the election, I started writing a three act play, a mashup loosely inspired by Ubu Roi and King Lear. Now, a month into the new regime, I think I saw what had happened and what was coming fairly clearly. So, rather than obsess over the outrage du jour, I am posting the play here,...
    March 4, 2025 · Trumpaboo Redux
    [Shortly after the election, I started writing a three act play, a mashup loosely inspired by Ubu Roi and King Lear. Now, a month into the new regime, I think I saw what had happened and what was coming fairly clearly. So, rather than obsess over the outrage du jour, I am posting the play here,...
    March 3, 2025 · Trumpaboo Redux
    [Shortly after the election, I started writing a three act play, a mashup loosely inspired by Ubu Roi and King Lear. Now, a month into the new regime, I think I saw what had happened and what was coming fairly clearly. So, rather than obsess over the outrage du jour, I am posting the play here,...
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  • Readings

    Seth enjoys sharing his work with an audience. His readings are fun, dramatic, and engaging. To schedule a reading, please contact Seth through this website.

    Listen to Seth read his poetry

    The Rabbit

    A passage from Seth's third book, Once Was Lost


    What I had for lunch through most of August. Ceci n'est pas un sandwich.

    Fox says, now your eyes are closed

    A poem from my current book-in-progress. Fox is a major character, clever and wry as his name implies, who enjoys giving me advice laced with a good helping of snark.

    Fox says where are your feet

    This poem was born on June 30, 2022. It's part of my current book project.