Once again, as Pussygrabber rolls out his choices for high level government positions, the political media demonstrates its unerring instinct for focusing on garish distractions while averting its eyes from what's really going on. We're told about the various nominees' stated positions on various issues. We're told that Pussygraber is "testing the Senate" to see how far he can go in imposing his "mandate." As if, having won the popular vote by the narrowest of margins and with no more voters behind him than he had when losing in 2020, he somehow has been given something that can be described as a "mandate." (One headline I saw today described his victory as "resounding.") In short, having learned absolutely nothing from its failure in covering the election, American political journalism continues to act as if this is a normal situation involving honest disputes about policy between opponents acting in good faith on the basis of differing philosophies of government.
In fact, Pussygrabber does not give a flying fuck about government. Can you imagine anybopdy who has the slightest concern about government naming a whacko bozo and probably sexual predator like Matt Gaetz to be chief law enforcement officer for the country? Q.E.D. Especially in this second term, not having to worry about facing the voters ever again (unless he wants to), Pussygrabber's primary concern is cashing in, policy be damned. If you doubt this, consider the numerous mutually contradictory, impossible, and surreal promises he made during the campaign.
If it were not already obvious from what he and his coterie said before the election, it should be glaringly obvious by now that the one qualification for office in this Pussygrabber administration is personal loyalty to Pussygrabber himself. He does not care one teeny little bit about the competence or experience or preferred policies of his nominees. The reason they uniformly exhibit a lack of competence, deficient experience for the jobs they're being put forward to perform, and absurd, usually far right notions concerning the substance of their prospective duties, has nothing to do with any substantive agreement they may have with Pussygrabber on the issues. Since his entire outlook is transactional, centered 100% on "what's in it for me," he has no substantive position on any issue. Rather, the reason why he nominates such a collection of bizarros has almost everything to do with the pool from which they're drawn.
It's really fairly simple. No intelligent, thoughtful, reasonable, responsible, well informed person with any detectable level of personal integrity could possibly support this fascist, psychopath, narcissist, pathological liar, rapist, fraudster, racist, misogynist, ignoramous, borderline demented buffoon. So, there's not much to choose from among the people who have demonstrated sufficient personal loyalty to him to merit the rather dubious and usually short-lasting reward of his favor. The applicant pool consists entirely of goons, idiots, zealots, and ambitious sycophants.
It's payback time, folks. And while that's going on, the media will be glad to treat you to a debate about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s views on vaccines. As if the subject were debatable.