I just want to take the opportunity of the congressional recess to thank you for your clear-sighted, courageous, firm resistance to the awful depredations against our government and constitution that Elon Musk and the Felon-in-Chief are perpetrating. I understand that the rules of the House do not empower individual members the way that the Senate rules do. I only wish that our Senators would avail themselves of their full power to resist this administration in a manner commensurate with the threat to democracy that it poses. I appreciate your determination to avoid complicity with the fascists, and to oppose them by every means with your disposal. Too many of your colleagues in the House and Senate seem to think that some species of "business as usual" is still possible, by cosponsoring legislation and otherwise lending themselves to "bipartisan" initiatives on discrete issues. But there is no such thing as a "good fascist" and there is no such thing as a positive result to be gained by cooperating with fascists; it only empowers their evil. I am glad that you recognize this. I hope you will bend your efforts to persuade Mr. Sanders and Mr. Welch to this point of view.